Worked with local designer Matt Nyce to customize a WordPress template for local music venue.
Role: Consultant, Web Developer
Technology: WordPress, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Scoped Project: The task was to provide Chop Suey with an updated website that allows staff to easily update the calendar, worked well on a variety of devices and had a more updated aesthetic. We scoped out a few different solutions and built a budget and timeline for each.
Provided wireframes and layout options: We recommended WordPress as a Content Management platform as it’s widley supported, user friendly and easily updated, and designed two seperate potential templates to share with the client, one, semi-custom build based on a responsive template, and another full-custom build
Semi-Custom Build: To save the client time, we agreed on a semi-custom build utilizing an Events Calendar plug in that would cut development time in half while still meeitng their goals
Training and Follow up: The end result had decreased load time, increased latency and still remained within the allotted build time and budget.